# ceph osd crush --help
General usage:
usage: ceph [-h] [-c CEPHCONF] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
[--id CLIENT_ID] [--name CLIENT_NAME] [--cluster CLUSTER]
[--admin-daemon ADMIN_SOCKET] [-s] [-w] [--watch-debug]
[--watch-info] [--watch-sec] [--watch-warn] [--watch-error]
[--watch-channel {cluster,audit,*}] [--version] [--verbose]
[--concise] [-f {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain}]
[--connect-timeout CLUSTER_TIMEOUT] [--block] [--period PERIOD]
Ceph administration tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help request mon help
ceph configuration file
input file, or "-" for stdin
output file, or "-" for stdout
--id CLIENT_ID, --user CLIENT_ID
client id for authentication
client name for authentication
--cluster CLUSTER cluster name
--admin-daemon ADMIN_SOCKET
submit admin-socket commands ("help" for help
-s, --status show cluster status
-w, --watch watch live cluster changes
--watch-debug watch debug events
--watch-info watch info events
--watch-sec watch security events
--watch-warn watch warn events
--watch-error watch error events
--watch-channel {cluster,audit,*}
which log channel to follow when using -w/--watch. One
of ['cluster', 'audit', '*']
--version, -v display version
--verbose make verbose
--concise make less verbose
-f {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain}, --format {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain}
--connect-timeout CLUSTER_TIMEOUT
set a timeout for connecting to the cluster
--block block until completion (scrub and deep-scrub only)
--period PERIOD, -p PERIOD
polling period, default 1.0 second (for polling
commands only)
Local commands:
ping <mon.id> Send simple presence/life test to a mon
<mon.id> may be 'mon.*' for all mons
daemon {type.id|path} <cmd>
Same as --admin-daemon, but auto-find admin socket
daemonperf {type.id | path} [stat-pats] [priority] [<interval>] [<count>]
daemonperf {type.id | path} list|ls [stat-pats] [priority]
Get selected perf stats from daemon/admin socket
Optional shell-glob comma-delim match string stat-pats
Optional selection priority (can abbreviate name):
critical, interesting, useful, noninteresting, debug
List shows a table of all available stats
Run <count> times (default forever),
once per <interval> seconds (default 1)
Monitor commands:
osd crush add <osdname (id|osd.id)> <float[0.0-]> <args> [<args>...]
add or update crushmap position and weight for <name> with <weight> and location <args>
osd crush add-bucket <name> <type> {<args> [<args>...]}
add no-parent (probably root) crush bucket <name> of type <type> to location <args>
osd crush class ls
list all crush device classes
osd crush class ls-osd <class>
list all osds belonging to the specific <class>
osd crush class rename <srcname> <dstname>
rename crush device class <srcname> to <dstname>
osd crush create-or-move <osdname (id|osd.id)> <float[0.0-]> <args> [<args>...]
create entry or move existing entry for <name> <weight> at/to location <args>
osd crush dump
dump crush map
osd crush get-tunable straw_calc_version
get crush tunable <tunable>
osd crush link <name> <args> [<args>...]
link existing entry for <name> under location <args>
osd crush ls <node>
list items beneath a node in the CRUSH tree
osd crush move <name> <args> [<args>...]
move existing entry for <name> to location <args>
osd crush rename-bucket <srcname> <dstname>
rename bucket <srcname> to <dstname>
osd crush reweight <name> <float[0.0-]>
change <name>'s weight to <weight> in crush map
osd crush reweight-all
recalculate the weights for the tree to ensure they sum correctly
osd crush reweight-subtree <name> <float[0.0-]>
change all leaf items beneath <name> to <weight> in crush map
osd crush rm <name> {<ancestor>}
remove <name> from crush map (everywhere, or just at <ancestor>)
osd crush rm-device-class <ids> [<ids>...]
remove class of the osd(s) <id> [<id>...],or use <all|any> to remove all.
osd crush rule create-erasure <name> {<profile>}
create crush rule <name> for erasure coded pool created with <profile> (default default)
osd crush rule create-replicated <name> <root> <type> {<class>}
create crush rule <name> for replicated pool to start from <root>, replicate across buckets of type <type>, using a choose mode of <firstn|indep> (default firstn; indep best for erasure pools)
osd crush rule create-simple <name> <root> <type> {firstn|indep}
create crush rule <name> to start from <root>, replicate across buckets of type <type>, using a choose mode of <firstn|indep> (default firstn; indep best for erasure pools)
osd crush rule dump {<name>}
dump crush rule <name> (default all)
osd crush rule ls
list crush rules
osd crush rule ls-by-class <class>
list all crush rules that reference the same <class>
osd crush rule rename <srcname> <dstname>
rename crush rule <srcname> to <dstname>
osd crush rule rm <name>
remove crush rule <name>
osd crush set <osdname (id|osd.id)> <float[0.0-]> <args> [<args>...]
update crushmap position and weight for <name> to <weight> with location <args>
osd crush set {<int>}
set crush map from input file
osd crush set-all-straw-buckets-to-straw2
convert all CRUSH current straw buckets to use the straw2 algorithm
osd crush set-device-class <class> <ids> [<ids>...]
set the <class> of the osd(s) <id> [<id>...],or use <all|any> to set all.
osd crush set-tunable straw_calc_version <int>
set crush tunable <tunable> to <value>
osd crush show-tunables
show current crush tunables
osd crush swap-bucket <source> <dest> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
swap existing bucket contents from (orphan) bucket <source> and <target>
osd crush tree {--show-shadow}
dump crush buckets and items in a tree view
osd crush tunables legacy|argonaut|bobtail|firefly|hammer|jewel|optimal|default
set crush tunables values to <profile>
osd crush unlink <name> {<ancestor>}
unlink <name> from crush map (everywhere, or just at <ancestor>)
osd crush weight-set create <poolname> flat|positional
create a weight-set for a given pool
osd crush weight-set create-compat
create a default backward-compatible weight-set
osd crush weight-set dump
dump crush weight sets
osd crush weight-set ls
list crush weight sets
osd crush weight-set reweight <poolname> <item> <float[0.0-]> [<float[0.0-]>...]
set weight for an item (bucket or osd) in a pool's weight-set
osd crush weight-set reweight-compat <item> <float[0.0-]> [<float[0.0-]>...]
set weight for an item (bucket or osd) in the backward-compatible weight-set
osd crush weight-set rm <poolname>
remove the weight-set for a given pool
osd crush weight-set rm-compat .
remove the backward-compatible weight-set